For the last few years we have been building links with the Flying Kites Vinjeru school in Zambia.
After sending and receiving letters and video messages from the children in Zambia we raised money at our ‘Market day’ and raised an impressive £600! This money was used to buy equipment and needed items for the Vinjeru school, such as bean bags, balls and very popular reading books. Our International Ambassadors (a group of year 4 and year 5 pupils) presented the latest photos and a video from Vinjeru in a recent assembly to keep the whole school updated.
In May 2019 the family from Vinjeru visited our school and had a great time! The children joined in with lessons and their parents (the founding teachers at Vinjeru) observed teachers and shared ideas. The family also presented to the school in assembly and gave us a greater insight into life in Zambia.
We are aiming to maintain and extend our links with Vinjeru school with more fundraising events and further communications. This is a mutually beneficial relationship as it gives the children of All Saints’ a chance to understand life for children in Africa and to appreciate a very different learning environment.